Realistic League of Legends!

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Realistic League of Legends!
In this video I go over what League would look like if the graphics were 1000x better!

Artists featured in video!
@iç mimar Oğuzhan
@Wayne S

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56 thoughts on “Realistic League of Legends!

    1. Just a heads up number two wasn’t from ground up

      Those are assets from paragon. The dragon was a reskinned fang tooth, the wukong was wukong from paragon and the bear was an unreleased character named boris.

      Sadly this person got credit for work they didn’t do.

    2. @BUFF TV you might want to read your own privacy policy. Its so vaguely written that literately everything can be done with the gathered information. But hey everything for a few points.

  1. that is literally Wukong in the game PARAGON,which was a thrid person shooter MOBA with good graphics, and kinda played a bit between league of legends and overwatch with it’s lane/support jungle from league, and it’s gameplay and shield motion closer feeling pretty close to overwatch. which is what the guys who now work on Fortnite used to work on and wanted to develop….it died…infact the second map is what PARAGON used to look like ingame anyway.

    i would suggest looking up some of the old character spotlights(crunch and wukong are good) for the game it was pretty cool and i wish i played it more than like, 15 hours…nobody to play it with :< infact the second map is what PARAGON used to look like ingame anyway,

    1. @House Of Bugs there are already like 5 different paragons redesigns coming out lol. Imo predecessor looks and feels the best. There are also 2 or 3 games that will be made with paragon assets that won’t be moba games but I don’t remember the names

    2. Paragon had so much potential but what ruined it for me is the announcer man he was brilliant makeing something so hard and awesome like getting pentakill really meh thing. The sound design what i didn’t like most it was so anticlimactic other than that i loved everything about it.
      Kwang, feng mao, gideon, crunch and howitzer
      Man i miss ma boys 😭😭

    1. @Wildcat bruh word of mouth is the most important thing and if it cant run on cafee PC then literally they lose like all their teen player

    1. @Jet is the Swampert finally I can walk to the safety of my bottom turret while the screams of my solo queue ADC slowly fade into the ambience of summoner’s rift.

    2. @Night Strider That would be Hilarious also it would also be hilarious that your adc gets ganked infornt of you and you just back away hearing the screams slowly fading away

    1. if League of Legends improves 10 graphic polygons… the game will go bankrupt and you won’t even be able to play, let alone admire the map😂 the garbage graphic is what sustains the amount of player with easy access.

    1. @Aron Svanlaugsson Not just retexture everyting, make double the work – potentially triple due to the quality – every time somethig new is introduced. Basically another game worth of work is what I mean.

  2. my biggest take here is that if somebody is making the 3rd person ish League of Legends kind of thing, the Rift might have been far bigger than what we’re seeing in this video

  3. Great video! Love the core concept got hooked by the steamer interaction, that evolved into a humanitarian initiative to close out blowing his ear find as he searches for a cause to donate to. Didn’t even mind the way the ad was integrated. Premium job. Well done.

  4. If there is one thing I’d praise Riot about, it’s their ability to make their games run on the most potato PC ever. This ‘improved’ graphics will completely destroy that.

    1. what about making this downloadable content and you could use this kind of graphics if you wanted. Idk if that’s even possible but its nice to think about.

    2. Hell, it wasn’t always like that though. Back during pre-alpha days. The game was so badly optimized. It wasn’t until like season 2-3 it really got to that point

  5. I really wish Riot added map skins.
    And I wish there were skins specific to various pro tournaments so that the streams would look unique every time.
    I know there are some details specific to some tournaments like the banners and stuff but that doesn’t feel enough for me

  6. What Riot is good at is creating a map which is easy to understand with minimal details. So for me Place 3 is the best cuz its the main map but different skins on it. But the idea of the simple map is the same.

  7. Part of what makes League what it is, is the POV. Maybe someday it could have its graphics improved, but changing the POV would turn it into a completely different thing. Most champion mechanics wouldn’t even be able to be transfered into this type of gameplay. For me, the art direction in League is amazing, maybe, when all the champions get visual updates, the game will be almost perfect visually. Sometimes, more realism does not equal a prettier, or better game.

    1. I dont think they would improve their graphics, cause their main goal is to have many people playing their game, the reason why riot still uses not bad but not good looking for optimization. Also its pov is unchangable unlike dota, so no need to detail them.

  8. All I want is Riot that adds night and day cycle, with different vision ranges during day/night and maybe some others mechanics too.
    It’s just so simple to add, and with such easy effort, you open so many possibilities.

    1. OHH NO RITO STOP!!!


      Nice Idea btw.

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